Ottoman Period Engagement Jacket Fragments Embroidery Set


It is a set of framed Ottoman embroideries. Both fragments are from the same embroidery. Parts of a bride’s engagement jacket from Eskişehir (in central Anatolia) which are embroidered with silver thread on velvet fabric. Circa 1890, late 19th century. Period of Sultan Abdulhamid the 2nd. They are embroidered with floral patterns.
Framed sizes: left 24×30 cm
right 24×30 cm

All details about these embroideries are available behind the frame in Turkish and English. These old Turkish Ottoman embroidery fragments have definitely not been cut from an undamaged whole piece, but have obtained from embroidery that has been worned out in sections and in order to preseve its original state it has been framed using acid free paper mat and acid free glass.


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